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音乐-Radiohead《收音头乐队》(OK Computer)

发表于 2009-7-3 22:00:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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中文名称:OK Computer
英国Channel 4,四十万群众票选的100 Greatest Albums——No.1
Spin(杂志)100 Greatest Albums from 1985 to 2005——No.1
Pitchfork’s Top 100 Albums of the 90’s——No.1
Q(杂志)s 100 greatest albums by readers(1998)——No.1
1997年5月这张新专辑出人意料地在日本首发,第二天,专辑在西班牙发行。一直到6月,才在全球上市。7月初登英国榜首位。这张惊世骇俗的唱片以绝对精彩的音乐和悲观厌烦的情绪,勾画出上****90 年代中最精彩的摇滚作品。它获得圈内的一致好评,1999年底赫然出现在众多****的20****十佳摇滚专辑评选之列。象首张单曲——6分半钟的 “Paranoid Android”(偏执狂机器人)编曲复杂、配乐多变,所表现出的演奏水平炉火纯青,一推出就登上英国榜的第三。Thom摒弃越来越完美的录音而追求原始真实的声音理念。专辑是在女演员Jane Seymour所拥有的一座14****庄园别墅中(原属著名女医生Quinn博士)录制完成的,坐落于英格兰贝斯的这座孤零零的庄园里曾经也接纳过Cure 乐队录制他们的专辑《Wild Mood Swings》(狂野摇摆)。歌曲的录制遍及这座西摩大厦里的每个角落,包括大舞厅和过廊走道。这种方式既创造了音乐演绎的独特经验,又糅合出陈旧而悠远的气氛。贝司手Colin Greenwood在《NME》的访谈中把最终的声音效果描述为“象石头般坚硬的Radiohead”。专辑标题最初设想为《Ones and Zeroes》(0和1),最后发片时确定为《OK Computer》。
距离上张大碟“The Bends”也不过是一年多的时间,但各位Radiohead的乐迷对新碟的推出已有望眼欲穿的感觉。因为乐队作品张驰自如的漂亮旋律和令人深思的金玉良言自不在话下,更多的恐怕是来自乐迷对Radiohead的一种情意结,以致于心甘情愿地陷进自怜的旋涡中而不自拔,俨然一群自虐狂享受着一次次地撕开已愈合的伤口。“OK Computer”(事实是一个你可以完全忽略不计的标题,因为整张大碟无论在听觉或视觉效果上都没有太多的电脑痕迹。“The Ⅲ” 就最为合适不过)与以往乐队的大碟一样,绝不会是进餐或社交****时的选择,因为听Radiohead并不是一件轻松的事,当你真正投入其中时,你甚至会有心力交瘁的感觉。这种“累”,大部分应归功于主音兼填词的Thom Yorke。他时而像唱诗班儿童般柔美的假音,时而歇斯底里愤怒的狂叫,完全体现了他是一个矛盾的综合体。
Radiohead是90年代初为数不多地受华丽壮美的竞技/舞台摇滚影响的另类乐队,乐队最初的唱片带有比较明显的U2风格。但是乐队后来开始转向创作较为史诗/叙事诗这样的作品,用My Bloody Valentine、Pink Floyd、R.E.M. 和the Pixies音乐作为主要织体,层次丰富。主唱Thom Yorke灰暗的词作在复杂的作品中传递着不安、疏远的情绪。1993年,乐队首张专辑《Pablo Honey》上市。原本乐队并未对此抱什么希望,但是“Creep”很快成为了一首热门单曲。当时乐队并不为评论界看好,认为他们只不过又是一支昙花一现的排行榜过客。但是乐队第二张专辑《The Bends》让所有的大跌眼镜,它在英国获得了巨大的成功,随着巡演的延续,它彻底征服了先前对乐队持成见的评论界,乐队一举成名。
  乐队由Thom Yorke(主唱、吉他)、Ed O’Brien (吉他、主唱), Jonny Greenwood (吉他), Colin Greenwood (贝司)和Phil Selway (鼓手)组成,那一年是1988年,他们还是几个牛津大学的学生。1992年乐队在创作小唱片《Drill》后和EMI/Capitol唱片公司后,乐队录制了单曲“Creep”,这首融合了R.E.M.和Nirvana的作品主要的亮点为和声部分前突然****噪音部分,它成为了当年另类摇滚的一首著名代表作品。此后的两首单曲“Anyone Can Play Guitar”和“Pop is Dead”为乐队赢得了一些好评,但英国唱片公司并未给予乐队足够的重视。乐队的第一张专辑《Pablo Honey》在1993年上市,乐队进行欧洲巡回演出。墙内开化墙外香,“Creep”在美国突然大红大紫,充斥着各大现代摇滚电台和MTV音乐台。在“Creep”地驱使下,乐队远赴美国演出,为Belly和Tears for Fears做暖场演出。《Pablo Honey》最终成为金唱片,“Creep”也在英国再版销售。1993年底,该单曲进入前10名。
  “Creep”的意外成功招致了现代评论家的非议,乐队一度被认定为歪打正着的幸运儿。乐队在这种情况下再次走入录音棚,开始创作第二张专辑《The Bends》。1995年专辑上市得到了压倒性的好评,显然人们乐于听到乐队更加深层、成熟的声音。但是专辑销量一开始却不是很好,先前对乐队较为买账的美国也并未太主意这张专辑,乐队无奈之下猹始在英国进行大规模巡演。直到年底,乐队才在巡演和单曲“Just”的促销下有所斩获。专辑不仅成为了当年英国最佳专辑之一而且在1996年处再次进入英国排行榜前10名,在美国也最终达到了金唱片销量。1997年乐队完成了他们的第三张专辑,也就是惊世之作的《OK Computer》!!
Radiohead had already had a huge hit in 1993 with its grunge-y ode to self-loathing, "Creep," and it had already put out a first-rate album with 1995s The Bends, but when OK Computer dropped in 1997, so did about a million or so jaws.
A majestic document of fear and isolation that far exceeded anything the band had attempted previously, OK Computers vast, sweeping soundscapes were so overwhelming it was impossible to feel anything but dwarfed in their presence. And thats exactly how the band wanted us to feel -- small, lonely, and absolutely awed by a pre-millennial world that had grown too big and was moving too fast.
The three-part epic "Paranoid Android" sets the albums tone. With guitars that shimmer, rattle, and explode, its as grand and bombastic as any mid-70s prog-rock symphony, yet its feel is not celebration and exultation, but rather panic and dread. The paranoia drips across the album, seeping into the sublime "Subterranean Homesick Alien" and particularly into the frighteningly intimate, "Exit Music (for a Film)." Opening with only an acoustic guitar behind him, lead singer Thom Yorkes voice hugs the studio mic so closely it sounds like hes whispering in your ear: "Pack and get dressed / Before your father hears us / Before all hell breaks loose."
Of course, its too late -- hell has already broken loose, but its not the sort of fire and brimstone vision were normally offered -- its a stifling, insidious boredom. "Bring down the government ... they dont speak for us," Yorke offers later on "No Surprises," but without any of the revolutionary fervor that the line implies. Instead the words sort of slide out of the side of his mouth, more of a shrug of the shoulders than a call to arms. In a world where technology has made everything easier, happier, and more efficient, Yorke feels numb.
Much has been written about the albums "storyline," a supposed battle of man vs. machine, but trying to extricate a coherent plot out of OK Computer is probably futile. Still, its impossible not to hear the terror and confusion in Yorkes moans, groans, and wails as hes bum-rushed by the encroaching tide of technology. And, with Radioheads electronically enhanced wall of sound bearing down on us, its impossible not to feel the same thing.

01 Airbag
02 Paranoid Android
03 Subterranean Homesick Alien
04 Exit Music(For A Film)
05 Let Down
06 Karma Police
07 Fitter Happier
08 Electioneering
09 Climbing Up The Walls
10 No Surp
11 Lucky
12 The Tourist

Exit Music(For A Film)被用在了罗米欧和朱丽叶片尾,那种绝望和忧伤是我看电影到现在唯一一部听着歌含着泪静静地看完演职员表的片.这张专集太好了.无法用言语形容.  
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